Precious Touch Foundation Inc. will accept wish referrals from the following referral sources:

  1. The potential wish child
  2. The child’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
  3. A medical professional treating the child, such as a Doctor, Nurse, Therapist or Social Worker

In the event that the child is unable to have his or her wish for medical reasons, the wish will be taken to the child or Precious Touch Foundation Inc. will be happy to have the wish delayed until it is medically convenient for the child. However, the wish will not go beyond the child’s 18th birth date.

Please click on the link below to view and download the Child Referral Form, which also contains the Parental and Medical Consent forms.

Upon completion send the completed form by email to or via postal mail to:

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 814, Bridgetown, Barbados